Inquest Findings Released in the Deaths of Dijon Kizzee, Samuel Herrera Jr. and Dana Young Jr.

Inquest Findings Released in the Deaths of Dijon Kizzee, Samuel Herrera Jr. and Dana Young Jr.

Inquest Findings Released in the Deaths of Dijon Kizzee, Samuel Herrera Jr. and Dana Young Jr. 150 150 Medical Examiner

Jan. 28, 2022

On Jan. 26, retired Court of Appeals Justice Candace Cooper submitted her findings in the inquests held on Dec. 15 and 16, 2021, in the deaths of Dijon Kizzee, Samuel Herrera Jr., and Dana Young Jr.

The findings can be found here:

Video recordings and transcripts of the inquest proceedings that occurred in December can be viewed here:

Redacted copies of the examination reports can be viewed here:



Media Contact:

Sarah Ardalani

Public Information Officer

(323) 343-0783

Follow the department's official Twitter page @lacountymec.

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